Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blogging for Our Peanut.

Wow!! First thoughts... what the heck have I gotten myself into?! I am thrilled to be writing my first blog post!! I have been reading blogs for years and finally talked myself into creating my OWN blog!!

Let me first of all say THANK YOU to whoever (if anyone) is reading this! I decided to do this sort of as a journal for my husband and myself. I also wanted to be able to connect with other bloggers that have had similar experiences to my own!

For those of you who do not know me, I'll start off by telling you a little about myself.. I am a cardiac RN and absolutely LOVE it!! I wouldn't trade my career for anything! It is one of the hardest and most rewarding things I've ever done! I am married to my high-school sweetie, Adam! We have been together for ten years and married for four! We have 2 furry children- my sweet Bailey boy, and crazy little Coco. My poor husband sort of adopted my pups when we got married! Sorry babe!! He secretly loves them just as much as I do ;)

We are also very proud to have a special Sunshine baby in Heaven, that we nicknamed "Peanut", or sweet "P" for short! Every time I see a peanut it makes me smile :) I may post the full story one day, but for now I'll skim the surface... My husband and I had been trying to conceive for a few years and FINALLY found out we were pregnant last November... 2nd to be exact. However, after only a few short weeks, I knew something was wrong, and it was confirmed by the doctor that our lil sweet "P" was no longer with us. Naturally, we were devastated, but we both knew that God had a different plan for us and for Peanut. We are even MORE hopeful now and we know God will provide!!

We are blessed to have some amazing friends and family that we love dearly. I'll have to brag on them later on a longer post ;)

I guess that's it for now!! Signing off! Whew... That wasn't so bad ;)

Hope you all have a wonderful week!!


  1. Can't wait to read more. You have so much light to shine in this world as people learn about your life! Congrats on the first blog! --love whitthenoncreepynightdweller

    1. Aww thanks Whit! Love your hashtag! You crack me up :) Now let's get you in this blogging world little lady!! Lubs you!!

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