Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Sweet Surprise

For Valentine's Day this year, my sweet hubby went above and beyond the call of husbandry duty :) We usually keep Valentine's pretty low key, maybe go out for dinner, that type of thing.

I asked him that day before Valentine's day what his plans were, but he would not tell me. So of course I was thinking that he hadn't planned anything. 

When I got home from work he had dinner ready and packed (homemade eggplant parmesan- my fav!)!! He then informed me that we were going to have dinner at another location, but would not tell me where!

 We got in the car and he started driving us to our new house- (side note- we are scheduled to close on next weekend!!), and I turn on the lights and see this...

Sweet man had a table set up with a candle, card, and flowers!! It was so romantic! We are NOT at all usually the romantic type, so this was really sweet of him! And I know it took him a little preparation :)

Here's a picture of our dinner and cupcakes! Note the paper plates... this makes me smile because all of our kitchen stuff is in storage so we only have random dishes and a few silverware pieces :)

It was fun to hang out in our new house and get a taste of what it will be like when we FINALLY get to move in! We are sooo excited and pray that everything will go smoothly, and we will get to move in next weekend as planned!! 

Here's a pic of the beautiful roses he sent me to work! I told him not to send me flowers this year (he always does), since we are trying to save for our new house! But he sent them anyway! He knows I love me some roses :) Such a sweet hubby, that boy!

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